Server Development
Backup systems
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1st Floor, Sheik Arif
Building, Daryalal Street, Jodia Bazar, Karachi - Pakistan

Phone: +9221 32545079, 32545081, 32529885
  Fax: +9221 32529825
[email protected]
Sys Dept

Sys Dept. provides custom solutions for development of software. Our experienced Programmers take you through the Software cycle and successful installation on your company platform.

Development Systems Covered

  • Databases
  • Custom Applications
  • Software Modifications
  • Testing and troubleshooting
  • Intranet Applications

Choose your environment, from Oracle to Access, FoxPro , Informix to just about any database. Sys Dept. consultants integrate and administer databases. to your actual needs.

Custom Applications
Depending upon your mode; operating software can be built as platform-independent applications. For clients with existing heterogeneous environments. Fresh, applications demand rigidity across platforms. Rigidity that comes from languages likes C++ or Java, if Power Builder is your cup of tea. or

Visual Basic
Visual Basic is in your vocabulary let Sys Dept. be the one to develop your custom application. Software Modifications
You have existing software and its giving you trouble, or just in adequate for your needs today, or maybe you have bugs in the code that need to the fixed. Let Sys Dept. help with the structural integrity of your code.

Sys Dept
Believes in keeping you current with existing technologies, and if you have already made the transition to a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system, maybe it’s time your application moved to the same level as well:

Testing & Troubleshooting
Since through testing and debugging leads to most important qualities of Software that is reliability so it is very crucial step. If 'your company is not set up handle this aspect of your development process, one of your well-equipped software engineers can some on site and evaluate your existing code to make your application more stable and dynamic

Intranet Applications
Oh yeah-that new buzzword! What's this Internet stuff all about anyway? Here is where you can get some of your questions, answered. Sys Dept. is in the unique position to provide solutions internally and externally …i.e.... Intranet or Internet. This time to be on the Intranet wave, because this is that will secure the future for your applications.

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